
Monsters is a project I put together after learning basics of react. This application was perfect way to improve my understanding of react and managing data sets. In this project I utlized Robohash and JsonPlaceHolder API to gather the monsters data and rendered those data based on user's input.

  • Stack
  • React
  • CSS
  • Netlify

Project Goal

Main purpose of this project was to improve my understanding of React. Beside this, I also wanted to make application which had to be visually pleasing. I also spent good amount of time making sure I am using best practices of react and data manipulation .

  • React
  • CSS
  • Netlify

Tech stack and explanation

I used react because I wanted to implement basics of what I learnt in react. And I used CSS over SCSS because the application was very small and adding an overhead of extra dependency wasn't justifying .

Challanges and thought process

As the project was small I did not have many problems, but I remember I was getting same image for all the monsters at first because I didnt give unique strings in the parameters which is required by the RoboHash API, apart from that I did not had any issue while doing this project

Lessons learned

Monsters was really fun project for me as it was my first react app. I learnt how to fetch data and render them conditionally based on user input .

Let's Talk

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question or just want to connect .