
E-comm is an online e-commerce application built for local shops. The application required a lot of heavy lifting to create a universal cart, product pages and overall shopping experience for end users. This project has 3 phases. Phase 1 simply allows user to sign in using email or google account. Phase 2 introduces user to the products . Phase 3 was more complex, as it includes full shop and cart pages as well as the logic that goes behind it.

  • Stack
  • React
  • SCSS
  • Heroku

Project Goal

I wanted to build an app which is compact, scalable, as well as an app where I can push myself beyond the basics, so e-commerce seemed perfect app for me to explore all these.

  • React
  • SCSS
  • Heroku

Tech stack and explanation

I choose React because for an app like e-commerce, where user experience matters the most, React made more sense. SCSS was obvious choice because its syntactically similar to CSS and encourage proper nesting of rules. Heroku was chosed because of its reliability .

Challanges and thought process

The First Challenge that I ran into was to structure the codebase. All the components that I built, soon became like pieces of puzzle and I realized how important it is to structure the code base properly. Also as the development continued managing state of application became tougher and tougher and to overcome this, I used redux .

Lessons learned

I can talk all day explaining all the lessons I learned while building this project, but the most important one was my newfound understanding of Redux, git management, state management, using local storage to maintain user's cart items and its count, and also using selectors in redux to cache some data to improve app's performance .

Let's Talk

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question or just want to connect .