Adopt animal
Adopt animal is a react application where user can adopt pets. It was a follow along project when I was learning the new React hooks concepts. This project utlizes pet API to gather pets data available in the region selected by the user.
- Stack
- React
- Reach Router
- Parcel
Project Goal
The main purpose for this app was to improve my understanding of react hooks and APIs in genereal, I spend good amount of time making sure that none of the coding best practices taught during the project left untouched.
- React
- Reach Router
- Parcel
Tech stack and explanation
React was obvious because I wanted to learn react hooks, as they offer more expressive way to write code. Reach router was chosen because of the accessiblity feature it offer right out of the box. And parcel to minify the complexity of bundeling packages .
Challanges and thought process
Even though it was follow along project I had few doubts because of the usage of new APIs (e.g static getDerievedStateFromError) which I immediately cleared by referring to its documentation.
Lessons learned
Apart from react hooks concepts I also came to know about various coding best practices (taught by Brian, software developer at Microsoft) that industry uses, like how to use linter rules to catch bugs related with react and accessiblity. I also learnt concepts of error handelling in react application through react error boundaries.
Hi, I realised after hosting this site that all the APIs that I'm using is hosted over http while this project is hosted over https, so in order to view this project properly you need to allow insecure content for adopt animal, in your browser setting . I will update the api's as soon as they get hosted over https but for now this is the only possible workaround 😅.
Let's Talk
Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question or just want to connect .